There are all kinds of flowers. Some need the bright sun to shine, others thrive in nurturing shade. Some flowers climb gracefully up tree trunks, while others bloom in the harshest deserts or the coldest mountains. Some rarely flower, and when they do, it’s a miraculous sight after a long wait. Others remain leafy or flowery bushes, bringing joy every single day.
It’s important to know the nature of a flower so it can bloom in the right conditions. Some that crave the sun may wilt at first but come back brighter after they’ve had time to adjust. Some need little from the outside world and still manage to flourish.
Some of us bloom when life pushes us out into the glaring sun, with no shade, no support. If God is a gardener, He certainly knows the right conditions for each of us. We fall like seeds, scattered by nature, often in the most unsuitable places. Some of us land exactly where we’re meant to flower, while others must be pushed, replanted, or removed from the shade for our magic to be realized.
But in this era of feminism and empowerment, let’s not forget that each of us is a flower. To value one type over another is a judgment that serves no one. Beloved housewife, kick-ass boss babe, cheery maid, sensual lover, daddy’s favorite girl, rebel with tattoos and rings—each of you is beautiful in your own way. You are all flowers enhancing the beauty of this garden called life. A garden with only sun-kissed flowers or a patch of perennials without the lush green will never feel full or complete.
Each of you is unique and vital to the fabric of life, and each of you should love and cheer for one another . To all the flowers I have known, celebrate your colors, your uniqueness, and understand who you are. You may be ready to step out of the shadows to bloom brightly or climb a tall tree to give fragrance and beauty.
Whoever you are, remember this: without you, the garden of life is incomplete!