
Embracing Childlike Wonder in Home Design: How My Space Reflects Who I Am

It’s rare for this side of my living room to be filled with so much light. The way the sunlight interacts with the bricks, colors, and textures made for such an interesting sight. When I noticed this, I felt a wave of excitement.

One of my dearest friends once remarked that my home feels like a larger version of a children’s storybook. There’s light, glass, hanging branches, trees, animals, vivid colors, and so many textures. I had to laugh—I might as well be living in a Chandamama story!

As I reflected on this, I realized how true it is. As a kid, I was always surrounded by crafts, climbing trees, and fascinated by the little things—odd details, small mirrors, and sunlight creating reflections everywhere. This home feels like an extension of that childlike wonder.

It made me think: What does your home bring to your heart? Not the fashion, trend, or theme, but as a person—what does your home represent to you? How does it reflect who you are?

Wishing you a beautiful, light-filled day ahead.

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